Like usual = nothing to do. We parked car at Federal Hotel and walked to Pavilion for dinner after that walked back to Federal Hotel to celebrate KitWai's birthday. Happy Birthday to KitWai and KitWah! The party end,we went to Genting for morning walk. Luckily I wore long sleeve yarn-knit,if not I sure die under cold weather! There extremely COLD! OMG!
Sunday,family day. Accompany my family watch zombie drama and dinner together. After dinner sure yumchar/supper lo,guess where we went? I bet you guys cant guess it hah! We went Ipoh for supper! I do really love YaChoy Chicken and Kai Si Hor Fun,really DELICIOUS even Oldtown Kopitiam also lose to Lou Wong,Ipoh! We arrived Ipoh about 11pm,finished supper at 12am but we reached home at 5pm! You know why? We stucked in traffic jam while back to KL. 3 lanes > 2 lanes > 1 lane then 1 lane > 2 lanes > 3 lanes just become smooth. Along the highway,I like to see into dark sky and looking for stars. There really many stars are uncountable. *lurv*
Christmas coming?
lol...070309 i went Ipoh leh... n sumore... i oso got go lou wong there eat nga choi kai n sha ho fun...080309, i went Genting... *Traffic Jam*
090309 sumore go back Simpang Pulai... hehe...
wah! vry nice oso wor.. :) go genting no cal me la? haha
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